My art practice is based on site-specific installations of photographs. To see a space under the influence of photographs is equivalent to physically altering that space. I aim to change the perception of the room inhabited by the work through the seemingly simple act of photographing crucial parts of the location. A location stretches far beyond the confines of the walls surrounding a room, rooms and cities are both just constructs that fall within the spectrum of what we define as a space. My works are the consequence of investigating the relation between spatial elements and the impact different representations have on the perception of these elements. Photographs can provide a cubistic way of looking at reality when they are materialized. What intrigues me about installing photographic images is the combination of renderings of other perspectives simultaneous with reality.
Growing up just past the ring road of Utrecht, the city has always been something to look at, to go to, and to discover. To me the city is more so a subject than a home. This shapes my practice as an artist and is the basis for any work I create. Cities to me are about spatial relations; how does one part connect to the other? I consume cities. When I've seen every part of the city individually, when I've constructed a mental overview of how all parts interrelate, then the city has lost my interest. Paradoxically, the city is too complex to ever personally construct that overview. The city, in my case, is Amsterdam. I have had many years to develop an overview of this city. However, one can never exhaust all the possible ways of looking at any city. I walk through it, bike away from it, I try to find it on the horizon, I compare it to other cities I visit, and I try to define its place in the world as much as a try to define my own place in the city.
2013-2016 Photo Academy Amsterdam (Hons.)
2017-2021 Gerrit Rietveld Academy, B.A.
2021-2022 Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Propadeuse Architecture (Hons.)
2022-2023 Academy of Architecture, Pre-master Architecture & Technology
2023-present Academy of Architecture, Master in Architecture
2021 Gerrit Rietveld Academy graduation exhibition, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, NL
2021 'Other Photographic Matters', Hilton Art Space, Rotterdam, NL
2021 'Kunstsalon IJL', Galerie Noord, Groningen, NL
2020 'Memories That Lacked Significance', When Site Lost Plot, Amsterdam, NL
2020 'Other Photographic Matters', Hilton Art Space, Rotterdam, NL
2019 'Tipping Point' (Cooperation with Unseen) Circle Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
2019 'WHAT THE PHOTO' Willem Twee Kunstruimte, Den Bosch, NL
2019 '... Iets met ruimte' Galerie Pictura, Groningen, NL
2019 'Vast Zand' (Cooperation with Art Rotterdam), Rotterdam, NL
2018 '... Iets met ruimte', Kunsthal 45, Den Helder, NL
2018 'Territory', Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, NL
2018 'Vast Zand Gaat Los', (In context of Art Rotterdam), Rotterdam, NL
2018 'Salon d'Hiver', Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, NL
2017 'Rebirth', De Vasim, Nijmegen, NL
2017 'Out of Focus', Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, NL
2016 'Unframed' Photo academy graduation exhibition, Roest, Amsterdam, NL
2015 Watdajel Art Festival, Utrecht, NL